Sunday, December 14, 2008

5 things that could get in your way to success

It's happening to me everyday : something goes wrong and for a moment I stop and wonder what did I did wrong. But sometimes I found out that sticking to my initial plan could be the best thing I can do. And even if in the short term this can cause me to lose some followers on Twitter (or associates as Jim Connolly likes to call them) or maybe get some bad responses on the forums I have to think at the big picture and realize what my objectives are.
What are the things that might get in your way
1. After you post something on Twitter a few users stop following you : you ask yourself if you did something wrong or if you offend them or if you said a stupid thing. For example I decided to offer free SEO tips for beginners on Twitter (tagged #webseotips) and each time I offer one I lose one or two followers. When this happened for the first time I was very frustrated but then I realized that this is what I am and if there are some users that feel that SEO tips for beginners is to low for them to read then I respect that. The thing is you have to stick with your plan and if you made the right decisions in the beginning then you'll win in the long term.
2. You receive a hash critique on a forum thread : something like : "You don't know what are you talking about". Don't let this type of answer discourage you and remember : only a fool attacks in this manner. Someone that know much more then you will always help you realize the mistake you made and help you get on the right track without hurting your pride. Many times these hard answers are just to hurt you. Stay focused but analyze the statement and the one that said it. It might be true and then you must correct the error. Either way don't let it affect you : nobody succeeded without failing. Trust in you and good things will start to happen.
3. Suddenly the traffic on your blog goes down : if your blog is just starting to develop you have be conscious that for a period of time your web traffic will vary. The more popular you become the more people will visit your blog. You'll know when you're on the right track when your web traffic will stop oscillating and start to constantly increase in volume. I know that having low traffic can be discouraging but one thing you could do is again to stick with your plan and just don't look to your stats for a month. A great article on this you can find on : Ten Tips for Stats Addicts
4. Your blog articles don't receive comments : you are working hard to come up with ideas and interesting things. You write an article and every new one seems to be your best. You post it on your blog and .... No Comments. Don't let it get you. Comments will come in time : Patience and Determination. Develop yourself as a brand. Offer something to others from your social networks, gain their trust and you'll see how you'll start receiving comments. It's true that you'll see articles with much less information then yours but placed on a trusted blog that will get a few dozen comments. This is life : money leads to more money. Even the simplest article on a trusted blog will get more comments then a brilliant one on a start up blog written by an unknown blogger. Keep going forward. Don't let it touch you. If you don't trust in what you can do no one will.
5. You are out of ideas : this happens if you don't plan ahead. I, for example, plan the general themes that I'll cover but never the titles or the more specific details. That is why I have a few Google Alerts set up. When you run out of ideas you'll have something to be inspired. There are days when you'll be hit from all sides and those are the toughest moments but again : stick with your plan.
When things go wrong always look forward
All the difficult moments that you'll encounter from the moment you start your first blog to your moment of success are meant to tech you something and that is : you can't succeed without failing first. Take any company you want : they all got doors slammed into their faces, kicks in the butt, refuses and critics. But those that succeeded were those that kept going forward. You think that all those great bloggers haven't had their bad moments ? They did. And that is exactly what made them so big. That is why their blogs receive lots of comments and traffic. Because they kept going forward and they remained true to their plan.
Share what kicks you received and what made your success
I'm sure you all had your bad and good moments. I'm sure that your blogs were not that popular from day one. So please share your experience and help others to remain motivated and stick with their plan.
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